Friday, April 10, 2009

How do we prepare for the BULLFIGHTS?

If you have RESERVED seats in the SHADE side of the bullring, we suggest that you read our favorite book about the San Fermín fiestas: PAMPLONA: Running the Bulls, Bars and Barrios in Fiesta de San Fermín, written by the absolute authority on the fiestas, Ray Mouton....and, available at This book describes all aspects of the bullfights and is a must-read for rookies to the sanfermines! Mr. Mouton writes passionately about the bullfights, and he will instruct you on what to expect, what not to expect, and how to appreciate this age-old tradition.....

If you plan to sit in the "SOL" ("sun") side of the bullring, where the rowdy social clubs, called peñas, take over the stands: In order to prepare you for your bullfighting experience....

First, dress in a clean white shirt and white pants, the traditional clothing for the sanfermines....Then, go to any spectator sporting event, as a basketball or baseball game, and bring a boom-box with your favorite sure the music you choose is fast-paced and perfect for dancing....Next, crank up the volume to the highest level possible, so that all the spectators sitting near you at the sporting event are totally distracted and become more interested in your music, than in the sport that they think they came to see! Also, bring a bucket filled with sangria, and lots of soggy fruit pieces, especially oranges, peaches, pears and apples. Next, ask a stranger at the game to take cups of this sangria mixture and throw it on you, when you are least expecting a shower.....Keep doing this until your hair is drenched and you are covered with sangria and your clothing is stained pink....Next, take a bag of sugar and/or flour and have anyone throw the sugar and flour onto your wet hair and clothing....Keep doing this until you are sticky and feel gross! ...Now, you will have a small idea of what it is like to sit at the bullfights in the "SOL" side of the bullring, with the peñas....what a fiesta!
Here are two videos that tell the story of the peñas at the bullfights at the sanfermines .....Enjoy!

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